Thursday, May 12, 2011

What Chinese Woman Want

Most gentlemen may want to know what exactly a Chinese woman want out of a man when joining Chnlove and begin their dating. It's really a hard question. Usually they think the answer is four things: Tall, dark, handsome and rich. But factually, this is usually not what they want in a man. Have you ever seen a beautiful Chinese woman on the street holding hands with an unattractive, short and trashy guy? Most women will not tell you exactly what they want.

If you were to ask any Chinese woman on the street they usually tell you these things:

".......I want someone to make me laugh and smile."

".....a confident and powerful man..."

"...I want a man to treat me like a princess."

In essence, Chinese women wants three main things out of man:

Research reveals women look for, and place a high value on, men who are intelligent, ambitious, and who work hard for advancement and high goals. They want a confident man. Chinese women may want a man that knows what he wants in life. They don't want a man who is scared of taking risks and who is not comfortable in their own skin. She will think what will happen when they get married – will she feel comfortable living with a man that is scared of life and is confident enough to provide a good living to her and her children?

Security and stability
They want a man that they can be looked after no matter what. Being rich and powerful will give her more security and stability in her life compared to a poor person. These two important characteristics also imply that the man will share his resources and continue reliably protecting and caring for the family in all future unforeseen circumstances.

Challenge and Sense of Humor
They want a man to challenge her. Most Chinese woman may lead boring lives, they want a man to stimulate their minds and make them laugh. Having fun and making them laugh are good ways to really challenge them. A man's good sense of humor can develop camaraderie and enlivens the relationship better than any other single characteristic. Good humor also signals good intelligence.
Love and Commitment
These two words have different meanings in different cultures but they imply a man’s willingness to give his full attention and all his resources unselfishly to his mate and offspring. Also implied is the man’s promise of future fidelity and continued protection and shared resources. When a Chinese woman says that “love” is important, what she is implying is that she wants to insure that his support in the future will continue. A continuing on-going “love connection” is reassuring to the woman for future protection and survival.
If you give Chinese Woman all these four things, we will have no doubt you will able to hook up with any woman you desire.

Join Chnlove to search your ideal Chinese women now!

Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Mother's Day Promotion - She Deserves Your Celebration

(Chnlove Mother's Day Promotion:

"To my sweet Chinese girlfriend: You add a touch of radiance and softness to my ordinary life. Your child is so lucky to call you mom and I'm so lucky to call you my girl! "

Mother's Day (May 8, 2011) is quickly approaching - two weeks after Easter. During this warm holiday, do you not want to do something special for your Chinese girlfriend, who is also a wonderful mother? Join Chnlove Mother's Day Promotion-Program and enjoy all kinds of bonuses and discounts to show your appreciation.

Duration: May 1-15, 2011
Eligibility: Both you and your lady are members of Chnlove, and she is a single mother.
Discounts and Bonuses:

1. When ordering gifts or flowers for a single-mom lady, you can get 5% off on the order immediately. Shop for gifts now >

2. When making a Love Call with a single-mom lady, you can get free credits as a "Love Call Bonus". 1 FREE credit will be refunded for every 10 minutes your call lasts. The longer your Love Call is, the more free credits you get. Credits will be added to your account within 48 hours after you end the call. Make a call now >

Mother's Day is a day for every woman who has earned the distinct honor of motherhood. She deserves your celebration! Come to Chnlove and Act Now!

Friday, April 22, 2011

Chnlove Tips: Importance of Good Online Dating Profile

When reviewing profiles of Chnlove, we are regretted to find that some gentlemen have posted a empty profile or some profiles are too simple just stating they want to meet a Chinese woman. Do not they know that their profiles are the best advert? Here we'd like to share our opinion on the importance of good online dating profile.

If you're serious about finding a suitable Chinese woman online then please do not ignore importance of your online dating profile on Chnlove. Your dating profile is critical to making a good first impression, which is a first step to increase the number of letters from our Chinese lady member, and at the same time, your dating profile can improve communication quality with other singles because well created dating profile should tell other what kind of person you would like to meet.

If you want to increase the number of letters, you should use "eyes-catching" subject header for you dating profile. For example, it is recommended to start your profile description with love quote, greeting, joke or something from your heart. However, hundreds of letter does not mean quality. You can't date 100 Chinese women at once. Well-created dating profile will help you to get fewer responses but they will be more interesting for you.

Think, if you make your Chnlove online dating profile too simple just stating a bit about yourself and not specifying what kinds of Chinese women you want to meet in terms of age, distance, likes, dislikes, etc., then your inbox would probably flooded with messages from people you wouldn't even want to meet. This happens very often because when browsing empty profile with nice photo, then some Chinese women may think that they must try to contact you because everyone has a chance…

But if your Chnlove profile states requirements person should meet to become your date it will force to think about their chances. Sometimes small details could be decisive. In example you like pets, while other person have allergy, you like sitting at home while other member like pubs and night clubs, often such small details could stay invisible until first date or even first month of relationship… So by pointing out your preferences in your dating profile you can save plenty of time. Dating profile should tell as much as possible about your interests.

A good Chnlove online dating profile also needs to contain what actions would you want Chinese women to take; what exactly are those actions that are okay by you and even actions that are not. This will increase the number of letters receive from people of your same wavelength and people you are interested to meet.

In short, dating profile is best area, which you can edit to increase the number of quality contacts when you use dating service. So now, are you still like to post a incomplete and boring profile? Back to Chnlove to polish your profile as soon as possible!

To know more about how you can create a great dating profile, please read: Polish Your Profile