
Comments Guidelines

We offer users the ability to comment on the post and also engage in discussions. We will delete comments that we find detract from the enjoyment of reading Chnlove’s blog. We ask that posters abstain from the following list of certain types of posts. Those that consistently ignore these guidelines will be blocked from posting further comments. owns and operates the site that these posts are listed on and strives to be a technology resource to its readers. If you are interested in posting outside of these guidelines, there are numerous other places where you can post such messages.

The following types of posts may be deleted:

1. Use of offensive racial / gender / sexual preference / religion-bashing terms or other hurtful speech. If you use a word with racial overtones in your post name, that counts. Even if you find it a source of pride, Internet doesn’t know what nationality you are. All it sees is racial slurs on

2. Excessive use of cuss words, and cussing in titles of comments / messages.

3. Spam and links to spam. If you want to advertise, contact us directly.

4. “First Posts,” “nth post,” and discussion of them with no meaningful commentary. We don’t mind if you want to be first and list “first post” as your subject, just add some meaningful commentary besides a one-liner that is obviously there to satisfy this requirement.

5. Links to inappropriate or unrelated content such as porn, distasteful pictures, etc. Many people read Chnlove’s blog from workplaces. Linking to this type of content changes Chnlove’s blog to a site that could get users in trouble with their bosses.

6. Posting of any personal information, names, addresses, phone numbers, e-mails, etc. If you want to include your e-mail in a post, that’s fine. Just don’t type someone else’s information and then make comments about that person.

7. Nonsensical posts that have nothing to do with the topic, repetitive diatribes posted to multiple items, off-topic posts that hinder discussion, and responses to those posts. We ask readers to ignore such posts. It’s hard to keep the comments clear of them if several people respond to them and responses mix with actual commentary.

8. Personal attacks on other posters or Chnlove’s bloggers. Comment on ideas, not people. Bloggers are people with feelings, as are other commenters. There is no need to abuse them.

9. Comments on grammar and spelling and any related discussion. Spelling and grammar mistakes are inevitable from time to time due to the volume of material we produce daily. We’d appreciate an e-mail directly to us. If posts on this are made to the news items, we will fix the error(s) and then delete the posts.

10. Product activation codes for software, requests for such, or other warez-related posts or links

11. Useless flame bait: “XYZ Sucks – flame away!” In other words: useless, blatantly inflammatory messages not to be confused with useful flame bait, where someone has an opinion that greatly differs from the norm and wishes to express it in a meaningful way.

12. Impersonations of other users’ post names and related discussion about how the post is not from that user.

13. Double postings and “Sorry for the double post” messages. We will delete the double and the “sorry.” If it happens to you, don’t worry about it.

14. Anti-China, anti-Asia, or other nation-bashing and associated comments directed at the people of a nation and not the policies. We are a site about technology, not geography. Also, if someone has trouble with English, please be respectful, as it’s most probably not their first language.

15. Posts announcing other unrelated news. Please submit breaking news directly to us instead of killing a discussion. We will get to it.

16. Incomprehensible posts or posts in ALL CAPS. All caps posts are the equivalent of shouting.

17. Comments about post deletion. The proper way for discussion is an e-mail to staff or starting a topic in the forum.

If you have any questions or comments about these posting guidelines or feel that your posts have been unnecessarily deleted, you can contact us. We will read your comments and consider them.