
Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Chnlove Asia Dating Tips: Dont's Play with a Chinese Woman's Heart

Chnlove Asia
Chinese Lady in Traditional Costume

I have always dreamed of marrying a beautiful Chinese lady. Three years ago, I joined the Chnlove Asia dating site, and have corresponded with quite a few ladies since then. Here are a few thoughts I would like to share with guys who intend to find a Chinese wife. Hopefully, these will give you a better idea of what Chinese women are like, and how to make your relationship work.

Chnlove Asia Dating Tips: Chinese Women A to Z

There is a general perception among Western men about Chinese women being loyal and family-oriented. Of course, there are tons of Chinese girls that are as much players as the guys and break hearts without a second thought. However, at least in my experience, most Chinese girls are very affectionate and are eager, sometimes too eager, to give their love to any man that is sweet and kind to them, especially when they are young.Chinese girls are extremely affectionate and usually very loyal, because their man is providing them with stability and security. In return she gives her affection, her body, and her fidelity. Generally speaking, once a Chinese girl commits to her partner she does so for life; it will take a great apocalyptic wrong by her partner to dissuade her from that commitment.They are incredibly loyal, especially if that loyalty is reciprocated.

On the other hand, Chinese women are generally traditional and conservative. Although open ladies do tend to make good wives for Western men, if the lady is too open about her sexuality then she could be a liability. Compared to their Western counterparts, Chinese women are often seen as conservative and traditional in their love life and marriage. For the majority of Chinese girls, there is no such thing as a casual relationship. A Chinese girl usually interprets any intimate behavior, such as gifts, romantic messages, sex, etc., as indications of long-term relationship potential. For these reasons, you should display traditional gentleman behavior when you are bringing her out on your first date. This will send the right signals to her, showing her that you are someone who respects her as a female.

Don't Play with Her Heart

Women do tend to like bad men, but don’t be too bad when you’re dating Chinese ladies! Remember that Chinese ladies tend to like alpha men who can take responsibility and show them respect. Everyone has fanciful illusions of fairy tale love stories, but of course reality is a harsh teacher. A man can throw out words and money and attention willy-nilly but a girl's affection is her precious possession, and when it is tossed aside after being used up, it can be devastating. Chinese girls are very naive about love and romance, in spite of it being largely absent from Chinese culture. Yet a heart is a heart, and love is an incredible treasure, and when it is placed in the hands of someone who recognizes just how special it is, that heart will sing.

Chnlove Club Dating Tips: Is She For Real?

Chnlove club
Gorgeous Lady from Chnlove

Chnlove Club is one of the largest dating sites for Western men seeking marriage with Chinese women. If you are reading this article, it probably means you and I share the same interest in Chinese women. Personally, I admire the loyal and submissive nature of Chinese ladies, and have been a member of Chnlove Club for a few years now.

Are the ladies in Chnlove Club players?

The simple answer to this question is: use your common sense! I have read tons of articles on all kinds of online dating forums. What have I found out? Many of these articles are true...for the person that wrote them! You can read what other people have to say, but when it comes to love, it is your heart that has the final say. Undoubtedly, there are some players out there, but based on my own experience, most of the ladies in Chnlove Cub are exactly what they claim to be, loyal and loving. I'm not trying to make these women seem better than they are. I think each man needs to judge for himself about the woman he's writing to. For me, the woman I'm writing to is not an image queen, not a woman of the street, just a woman that wants to be loved and love in return. When you get right down to the nitty-gritty, isn't that what we're looking for?

Why are these gorgeous Chinese women interested in a guy like me?

Like most men who use online dating service, I have my doubts from time to time. I am just an ordinary guy, not particularly good-looking or rich, and definitely not young. Why would all these beautiful ladies want to marry a guy like me? Then it hit me that many of these Chinese women have been tossed aside because their mate has joined forces with a woman much younger. I have read that most women in their 30's and older, with a child, are generally considered as undesirable for Chinese men. From information I've read, most of these women work long and hard to get their child through school. Most of them know that their chances of finding a Chinese husband are slim to non existent. So just try to understand what most Chinese women seeking Western husbands may have gone through. Life may not be easy for them. You, a good man, employed, money in savings and a home. In their shoes would you marry a man that had that? So my advice is just follow your heart. If you feel she's worth it, take a chance. Your heart and mind can't be totally wrong, can they?

Friday, April 13, 2012

Personal Review on is the dating website that brought me and my beautiful Chinese wife together. I think I owe something back to Chnlove for helping me find my true love. So here I would like to share my own experience and hope it will help more people find the same happiness that I have found.

My Story on

When I came on to by chance, I was surprised to find a truckload of seemingly great women. Of course like everyone else here, I thought to myself: this is too good to be true. I mean, these ladies are so honest and up front about everything, not to mention good looking. So, after getting a bunch of admirer letters, I decided to write back to a couple of them just to see what would happen. Anyway, some ladies fell by the wayside because either I wasn't feeling it or just did not think they were serious about it. Then I found the lady of my dreams. After exchanging a few EMF mails, my lady and I fell head over heals in love with one another. Six months later, I went to China to meet her and soon after that, we got married!

Chinese women from
Oriental Beauty From Chnlove

What are Chinese Women Really Like?

Based on my own experience, most of the ladies on are exactly what they claim to be. Honest, sincere and very smart. They just want to love and be loved in return. In general, Chinese women are loyal and trust worthy. They make great wives and loyal friends. From what I've heard and seen, if a Chinese woman loves you, they generally stick by you. Once a Chinese girl commits to her partner, she does so for life. Many of the Chinese women may not be as forthright about telling you "I love you" openly, but you will know it by the little things they do FOR you. My girl washed my clothes, by hand, in the sink every night without me saying anything to her. If they truly love you, they will treat you like a king. All they want is for you to love, respect and protect them.

Thank You,

I think Chnlove does a good job and most of the agencies do a good job. Most people don't realize that without the agencies and the EMF service, most of these relationships would fail before they even got started. That is why I am so thankful for Chnlove. My wife and I would have never met if it wasn't for Chnlove.