
Thursday, May 26, 2011

Live Chat Tips: Those Great Dating Conversation Starters

After Chnlove unveiled the Live Chat service, we often received inquiries from gentleman members on Live Chat conversation starters. They want to know online Chinese girls better but don’t know how to break the ice. Yes, first dates can always be troublesome because both the man and woman get nervous with each other. Even though you two might be perfect for each other, too much nonsense might get in the way and then make things seem bad. So here we will give 56 great open-ended questions that will help you start a good conversation and know Chinese girls more:

1. What was your best job?

Online Chinese Girls
2. What were your worst jobs?

3. Tell me all the places you worked.

4. Tell me about your best friend.

5. Tell me about your family.

6. Tell me about your relatives.

7. Who are your favorite music artists?

8. Who are your favorite movie stars?

9. Favorite song?

10. What were your life changing moments?

11. What is the dumbest thing you have ever done?

12. Do you like to shop?

13. Best way to relax?

14. Favorite thing to do alone?

15. Do you save money?

16. What hobbies to you spend money on?

17. If you found a $100 what would you do?

18. Do you want children/more children?

19. Are you a good parent?

20. What makes a good parent?

21. Are you romantic?

22. Do you have any pets?

23. Dog or cat?

24. Sleep in the nude?

25. Favorite midnight snack?

26. Have you ever gone skydiving (choose any sport or activity)?

27. What sports do you like watching?

28. What is your favorite type of food?

29. What is a food you can live without?

30. Favorite drink?

31. What date was your perfect day?

32. How many cds/dvds do you own?

33. What is the weirdest thing about you?

34. What is on your bedside table?

Online Chinese Girls
35. Are you cheap or thrifty?

36. Grades in high school?

37. Favorite teacher?

38. What are the most recent movies you've seen?

39. Worse movies you have ever seen?

40. Best concert you have been to?

41. Like beer, wine or coffee?

42. Best vacation?

43. If you could retire tomorrow what would you do?

44. Worse vacation?

45. Three places you would love to visit?

46. If you could do anything what would it be?

47. Super powers you wish you had?

48. Ideal romantic dinner?

49. Dumbest purchase you ever made?

50. What sporting event/concert/entertainment would you buy tickets to regardless of price?

51. Are you a neat freak?

52. Can’t stand being around people who_____?

53. How old do you want to live to?

54. Ever had a crush on a member of the same sex?

55. Most annoying habit?

56. Most embarrassing moment?
At last, remember the most important thing for Live Chat is to have fun! You might be surprised by what you learn about the other person. Don’t force anyone to answer a question they don’t want to and don’t pry deeper if they are not willing to talk about a certain subject. For more tips about conversation topics, please read: How to Talk to Girls Online on Chnlove reviews site.

Live Chat Out Now on Chnlove

Another of our wonderful services - Live Chat - is out now on Chnlove! You can now chat live with your Chinese lady with this instant messaging service! If you're worried about communication problems, don't worry. With Live Chat, ladies and gentlemen can communicate with one another with no language barriers. With the help of our translators, you can have a trouble-free chat session as they are connected in a three-way conversation with you and your lady.

Try Live Chat now and chat with her on a real-time basis in an easy and effective way! Click here to find out how Live Chat works and its charges. We look forward to redefining your relationship with Chnlove and helping you change the way you communicate with the Chinese ladies.

Thursday, May 12, 2011

What Chinese Woman Want

Most gentlemen may want to know what exactly a Chinese woman want out of a man when joining Chnlove and begin their dating. It's really a hard question. Usually they think the answer is four things: Tall, dark, handsome and rich. But factually, this is usually not what they want in a man. Have you ever seen a beautiful Chinese woman on the street holding hands with an unattractive, short and trashy guy? Most women will not tell you exactly what they want.

If you were to ask any Chinese woman on the street they usually tell you these things:

".......I want someone to make me laugh and smile."

".....a confident and powerful man..."

"...I want a man to treat me like a princess."

In essence, Chinese women wants three main things out of man:

Research reveals women look for, and place a high value on, men who are intelligent, ambitious, and who work hard for advancement and high goals. They want a confident man. Chinese women may want a man that knows what he wants in life. They don't want a man who is scared of taking risks and who is not comfortable in their own skin. She will think what will happen when they get married – will she feel comfortable living with a man that is scared of life and is confident enough to provide a good living to her and her children?

Security and stability
They want a man that they can be looked after no matter what. Being rich and powerful will give her more security and stability in her life compared to a poor person. These two important characteristics also imply that the man will share his resources and continue reliably protecting and caring for the family in all future unforeseen circumstances.

Challenge and Sense of Humor
They want a man to challenge her. Most Chinese woman may lead boring lives, they want a man to stimulate their minds and make them laugh. Having fun and making them laugh are good ways to really challenge them. A man's good sense of humor can develop camaraderie and enlivens the relationship better than any other single characteristic. Good humor also signals good intelligence.
Love and Commitment
These two words have different meanings in different cultures but they imply a man’s willingness to give his full attention and all his resources unselfishly to his mate and offspring. Also implied is the man’s promise of future fidelity and continued protection and shared resources. When a Chinese woman says that “love” is important, what she is implying is that she wants to insure that his support in the future will continue. A continuing on-going “love connection” is reassuring to the woman for future protection and survival.
If you give Chinese Woman all these four things, we will have no doubt you will able to hook up with any woman you desire.

Join Chnlove to search your ideal Chinese women now!