
Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Chnlove Tips: When First Dating a Chinese woman

As a western man, you may probably find the Chinese women are more alluring since their ways seem quite distinct from European women or women from other part of the world. This is not to say that they are a different specie altogether but their rich cultural heritage makes them quite distinct in their way of life or behavior. Globalization has brought about a more blending of cultures between different countries, but still, you should know some tips on how to date a Chinese woman successfully.

1. Chinese women get a lot of admirers and so you have to be different to leave an impression. Most of them would want to give you little test to see how firm you are. Do not just give in to every one of her whim. Sometimes you can playfully yet firmly resist or refuse her.

2. Believe it or not a Chinese woman would rate you more if she discovers you are admired by other Chinese women. So don't spend all your time with one. Widen out and let them know you are trying to decide and have a lot of admirers. You just would be surprised with he results.

3.Do not be Mr. Goody-goody. Be a bit naughty throw in unexpected and mischievous remarks to leave her wondering if you just said that. Do not over do it but do not show her you are over impressed with her looks. Naughty statements and actions leave them wondering more about the kind of guy you are.

4. Every guy tries to get a Chinese woman out on a date and impress her with detailed "rap" or speech moves. The truth is she has heard it all before in many variations and versions. In this case less is more. The less you try to impress her, the more the Chinese girl is impressed. Try listening to your Chinese woman and getting her talk about herself. All you need is a small degree of interest. This throws her off guard as you are different and challenging, and Chinese girls like you challenging.

5. When you have good communication on Chnlove and finally make the decision to meet her in China, you should not try to date a Chinese woman. That means, don't try the traditional dating moves. A dinner, movie, an occasional goodnight kiss and the no more calls from her. This is what everyone else is doing and it comes with too much pressure, expectations and awkwardness. These is what every one else has been doing with her. Try something easier, cheaper and less conventional. Something like just meeting for coffee, no big set up or preparations. She is less prepared and expectant. The atmosphere is less charged, more relaxed and thus more fun without the usual dating expectations.

6. Chinese are family bound, if you meet a Chinese woman you would likely notice that family bounds are more respected within them. So get to know more about her family. Be interested in her family it sure would boost the possibility of your success.

7. Honesty is also a quality that is highly respected in the China society. A man of honor does not lie and does not abandon his responsibility. If you wish to impress a Chinese woman you have to prove to her that you can be such a man of honor.
There's something else you may need to read if you really want to date a young Chinese woman, please click

Why using an Chinese dating site dedicated to meet Chinese women...

Friday, March 18, 2011

Why Chinese women may be Good for Western Men

If you're currently a member of Chnlove than you're probably there because you're tired of the the type of relationships between most of Western Men and Western Women. You don't like the women who grew up in the "ME" generation, always looking strictly for "What's in this relationship for me?" But when you meet a new Western Woman who you find attractive, before the conversation has even really begun, she's already drilling you about your occupation, your assets and your money,etc. You've heard that Chinese Women are different than that, so you're come to Chnlove to check it out.

In fact (Let's be honest about that). Chinese Women on Chnlove will also want to know that you have an income and that you are financially stable. Like women everywhere, she also wants a secure future. The difference is, most Chinese Women come from a world where a normal job is a great job, a simple home is a great home, and family is everything.

- Will there be food on the table: good enough.
- Will we have a home that I can clean and cook in and make comfortable for you: good enough.
- You're a truck driver (mechanic, teacher, male nurse, etc): that's fantastic. Just be reliable.

So, if you want a simple life where you do your job, which is the primary income earner, and she does her job, which is manage the home and family, then Chinese women make great life partners. That's not to say that she won't help you with business if that's what you want, but you'll be the boss. And it doesn't mean she's not prepared to have a job too. She will likely prove to be a very hard worker. It does mean that running the home is her job as well. You will have a say in all the important decisions, but when it comes to day to day operations sit back and let her take over, it's what she does best.

Generally, only a Chinese woman commits, she will invest every ounce of her being into your future, your home, your family and your life together. Chinese women like to spend as much time with you as possible. The more you can be together the happier they are. They're happy to go out with you and play, spend time at the movies, relax in a pub with your friends, walk on a beach, anything so long as she is with you. Equally a quiet night at home is perfect. To her, time with her husband is important. But that doesn't mean you have to be with her every moment, it just means that every moment of your time you do give he will be appreciated.

Unlike Western Women, a Chinese Woman will not sit around with her buddies secretly badmouthing you. To her, if you look bad she looks bad, and she would lose face. So long as you are covering the bare basics, she will outwardly praise you to the roof, because if her friends think you look good, then she gains face. And if she says you're not a good husband, then implicitly she is failing as a wife.

Chinese women like to please their men, and to receive acknowledgment that they have pleased him. Every Chinese woman loves it when her man gives her a little gift, because it means she has pleased him and he appreciates it.

None of this is to say that they never will be angry, never will express their concerns. And when a Chinese Woman reaches the boiling point, sit back and stay silent. Let her get it out, let her have her say, and acknowledge her righteousness, or watch out. Given proper respect, she will return it many times over. She will honor your love, your marriage and your family, always placing your needs and those of your children above her own.

If you want to date such a Chinese woman, then you're in the right place. Chnlove Online dating is absolutely a great way to find, meet and get to know Chinese women.

Friday, March 4, 2011

10 sweet nothings will make Chinese girls love you

Sweet nothings maybe somehow a science subject with many mysteries and skills. Here is some typical love sentences which are very popular now among Chinese lovers and couples. Learn them and speak to your Chinese girl in Chnlove. They may work!

To get more affectionate feeling, we list these beautiful word both English and Chinese:

I love you not because of who you are, but because of who I am when I am with you.

No man or woman is worth your tears, and the one who is, won't make you cry.

The worst way to miss someone is to be sitting right beside them knowing you can't have them.

Never frown, even when you are sad, because you never know who is falling in love with your smile.

To the world you may be one person, but to one person you may be the world.

Don't waste your time on a man/woman, who isn't willing to waste their time on you.

Just because someone doesn't love you the way you want them to, doesn't mean they don't love you with all they have.

Don't try so hard, the best things come when you least expect them to.

Maybe God wants us to meet a few wrong people before meeting the right one, so that when we finally meet the person, we will know how to be grateful.

Don't cry because it is over, smile because it happened.

There are so sweet and beautiful, right? Don't forget to add one to your next mail to Chinese girl, just like you are a romantic poet.